Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh dear...

So, here I am.

I'm still getting settled in, and this room needs some serious decorating, but everything has gone pretty well. Only one of my suite-mates has moved in so far... her name is Anjlee, she's lived in England, Vienna, and Toronto, and she's very nice.

So, it turns out that you need an ID to buy scissors, knives, etc. in England, which is something I was not aware of. Here is the conversation I had at the checkout line when I was buying necessities, including scissors.

Checkout Lady: Y'alright?
Me: Yeah, you?
Checkout Lady: Yeah... holding scissors Do you have ID for these?
Me: Hahahahaha!
Checkout Lady: Do you have an ID?
Me: Hahaha.... what?
Checkout Lady: Do you have an ID to buy these scissors?
Me: What? Um... yes... I have... um...
Checkout Lady: Hahahaha it's okay, dear, it's hot in here.
Me: Uh, yeah... hahahaha (thinking she was just joking, but not really sure)
She checks everything through, except the scissors
Checkout Lady: So you have an ID?
Me: Yes?
Checkout Lady: May I see it?
Me: Oh... Do you need like a passport? Or is my...
Checkout Lady: Whatever.

This is my life here... lots of confusion and nervous laughter. Everything just takes a little longer than it should.

This is where I live


 Oh England, you're so adorable.


  1. aww... it looks so pretty.
    hope you're having a good time so far and
    can "persevere" through the awesome awkwardness
    and "conservative" brits...
    befriend the cool internationals,
    live it up girl and keep us posted :)

  2. Holy cow, I thought you were in a country where you spoke the same language!
