Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Good Morning Good Morning

Stumble into kitchen.
Fill the electric kettle and press the button.
While waiting for water to boil, put two tablespoons of coffee grounds into french press, and place piece of toast in toaster.
Once water is done boiling, pour two cups into measuring cup, then pour into french press and stir with spoon.
Turn toaster on to one and a half minutes, wash spoon with water.
Get yogurt from fridge and stir muesli into it with spoon. Then lick spoon clean.
When toast pops up, take it out and spread jam onto it with spoon.
By this time, coffee will be done brewing.
While pressing down on french press, lick yogurt/jam spoon clean.
Pour coffee into cup.
Pour milk into cup, then splenda. Mix with spoon.
Skillfully bring full coffee mug to table without spilling a drop.
Then bring yogurt with muesli, toast with jam, and vitamins to the table.
Enjoy while watching the last half of Friends on channel 28 and then BBC news on channel 80.

It's an art form.

p.s. Does anyone have any tips for getting the smell of garlic off your hands?

1 comment:

  1. Try rubbing them on the back of a skunk......guaranteed no garlic smell. ;-P
