Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Just some random thoughts...

Why can't I do an English accent? I've been here for more than six months, all but two of my friends are English, during term time I'm with said English friends for hours a day... what the hell?? All of them can do American accents! Granted, they sound WAY too nasally, and it seems like they learn American accents by watching the Hills, or the OC, or Laguna Beach... not everyone in the States speaks like a Valley girl, thank you very much. But they're still better than I am. Is it just because American movies and TV pervade popular culture here, so they hear the accent all the time? Do we really sound THAT nasally?

And sometimes, when my friends want a laugh, they ask me to do an English accent... and I end up sounding like an idiot and possibly insulting them. All I can do is the "Chah-lay" from the Charlie Bit Me youtube video. I actually do that really well.

I'm just really upset by this whole thing, though.

You know how a lot of times in movies the villains or antagonists are played by English actors? Yeah I didn't notice that either.  Kind of pisses some English people off, actually. The theory is that Hollywood likes sophisticated villains, and what spells sophistication better than English accents? Ready for a list? Here we go...
- Die Hard
- Mission Impossible 2
- Matilda
- Mrs. Doubtfire 
- Rush Hour
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- North by Northwest
- Jumanji
There are many more, I just can't think of them. In TV shows, too. In Friends, Ross' horrible wife who makes him stay away from Rachel is English (ooooh my flatmates hate that).

So why can't I do the accent yet? I've picked up the intonation (as Bethy will tell you), and some words and phrases, but I can't get the BLOODY ACCENT.


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